Energy Materials

The Energy Materials Program assembles researchers working in materials science and engineering, and focuses on the discovery and optimisation of materials for energy applications. This includes materials for energy generation, storage, transport, and consumption such as hydrogen electrolysis, batteries, solar energy conversion and lighting.


  • Energy materials design aided by theory and computation
  • Developing next-generation catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction
  • Novel materials and processes for gas separation and capture
  • Graphene materials in low-energy electronics and energy storage
  • Materials and device optimisation in thin film solar technologies


  • Reduce energy consumption of separation processes for BHP, Masan and Ekos
  • Developing organic and earth-abundant inorganic thin film solar photovoltaic technologies for ACAP
  • Improve performance and reduce cost of anode materials in batteries for the Future Battery Industries CRC in conjunction with industry partners including Syrah Resources and AnteoTech
  • Computational materials design for lightweight structural components in electric vehicles for Ford Motor Company

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